ZServiceDesk GRC provides the integrated approach and framework to deploy robust governance model within the organization using enterprise class Risk Assessment, which take the information from multiple sources belongs to Risks, Controls, Policies, Compliances, Audits, Vendors and provide intelligence and reporting for executives to direct the organization
Integrated framework to ensure that Risk Management process is effectively conducted across organization, processes, and information systems.
Integrated approach allows to manage the entire lifecycle of Risk management and other relevant components to establish effective governance structure. Organizations can assign the stakeholders, create Defensible Cyberspaces, Create Assets, Assign Risk Levels, Identify Risks, Assess Impact, define mitigation strategies, Apply & Implement Controls, Create relevant Policies, do the vendor risk assessment, create and track audit activities, map with Compliances and Regulatory requirements such as ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, HIPPA etc.
In our integrated Risk Management platform, organization can create defensible Systems, Create System Entities, define the risks to assets, processes, departments, people etc. and can define what all controls can be applied to a specific risk to mitigate or accept. Comprehensive information can be captured such as Category, Status, ALE, Impact, Residual, Inherent and provides dashboards to stakeholders to define the further actions to improve security posture of organization.
Technical DatasheetOur application helps organizations in managing the entire lifecycle of security policy. Admins can create unlimited policies based on various categories, policy types, define validity and submit for approvals. Published policies can be sent to respective user groups or can be notified for any changes.
Technical DatasheetProvides regulatory compliance statements such as ISO 27001, HIPPA, PCI-DSS etc. and help you to keep track of compliance status in your organization. Audit activities can be created and Tasks can be assigned to various stakeholders to ensure that all applicable compliance are met.
Technical DatasheetIt is important to make sure that your organization is not exposed to the risks due to inability of vendor. In our application, organizations can create multiple templates in the form of Q&A do to the detailed risk assessment of associated vendors and track the vendor related information.
Technical DatasheetImplement security related processes, policies and guidelines within the organization to avoid financial risks, operational risks or reputational risks.
ZServiceDesk is most affordable and designed with easy to use workflows while capturing all information related to GRC.
GRC platforms are known for it's complexity. Our GRC platform provides easy navigation and easy to use interfaces to be used without specialized training.
As per your business requirement and policy, you can choose On-Premise deployment, or on cloud server or avail our ready to use SaaS based GRC platform services.
As we understand GRC is more of the strategy part of the organization and sometimes follow different processes or collect additional data as a part of GRC Management. Our focus is to ensure that organization is covered across all GRC related activities and our customization services helps your achieve additional functionality on top of our existing features set.